&hint1=I am an 18th century painting with many typical rococo qualities& &hint2=I show couples deep in conversation& &hint3=I was shown at the 1717 Salon in Paris& &hint4=I depict the leisure time of the French aristocratic class& &choices=Madame de Pompadour;Mao Zedong Reporting on the Rectification in Yan'an;The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters;The Oath of the Horatii;Pilgrimage to Cythera;Loveletters& &answer=Pilgrimage to Cythera& &search=Pilgrimage Cythera& &title=Pilgrimage to Cythera& &artist=Antoine Watteau& &medium=Oil on canvas& &date=1717& &location=Musee du Louvre, Paris& &dimensions=4'2 3/4" x 6'4 3/8"&